Friday, March 14, 2014


1. Access to information

Many years ago we couldn’t imagine that we can get to know new information without going out of the house. Mothers examined new recipes from the book that they borrow in the libraries. Fathers bought newspapers to learn the updated information from business, economy and society. Students all evenings spent in the libraries to write the report, project or academic paper.

2. Help in protecting the environment

There are thousands of schools in every country. And it is a compulsory institution in every distant village. Now could you imagine how billions of paper we use to publish new books and copybooks. Due to technology in education, we are not to buy all these books. Actually, there now schools that were switched to the use designing computers for their lessons and libraries. It saves money and time when used thoughtfully.

3. Increase the popularity of distance learning

With development of such inventions like the internet, the popularity with educational technology is growing every day. Nowadays it is one of the most preferred methods of learning. Traditional lessons have been supplemented by virtual ones. Online classes include transferring files, chat rooms and even board of progress to follow the students’ success. Another benefit is that students can maintain a flexible schedule that is convenient for them (anytime, anywhere learning). It helps to combine distance education and work.

4. Easiness in teaching

There are various ways of improving teaching efficiency with technology in education. Thanks to the technology they have more than one way to keep an eye on the student’s progress. Moreover audio-visual presentation, wide-screen televisions, projectors can be used for improving the delivery of instruction to actually improve learning and increasing the comprehension level among the students.

5. Technology makes education enjoyable

We all know how difficult to engage the children in learning. However they enjoy the process when the instructor uses white board or touch screen technology in order to make classes more interactive and interesting. In that way it’s easy to attract the kid’s attention. By the way, the involving technology in the educational process makes education more enjoyable both for the instructors and the learners.

We shouldn’t underestimate the possibilities of educational technology in our modern society. Nowadays virtual classes are preferred by people all over the world. This form of education is really enjoyed by children, and many students have recently graduated from virtual High Schools.


  1. as students, these technology are really helps us search for better techniques and teaching methods as well.

    1. yes, Thank you Miss rosalie, I agree to you. In this generation some of the research studies are produced in the internet. And secondly in the books.

  2. Technology has changed the way people live, work, and learn. The use of technology in education is one of the main challenges for education policy makers Traditional methods of education are no longer able to meet the needs of today's learners. New technologies provide opportunities including the ability to tailor learning to the individual . But what I like tho most among the advantages is that students and teachers are not limited by time and place.

    1. yes, through internet you have a wide access of learning. You ca meet the prominent people in the the field of teaching, and etc. which will help you to ipmroved your learning.

  3. In education, Ict is quite important. It means that students are able to revise online and find out new things, also researching things may help them with their school work. Using ict in education is a good thing because you can easily do lots of work and you don’t have to worry about your handwriting. It also doesn’t take you as long to type things out compared to the amount of time. Am I right? :D

    1. In short, it will make our work easier, faster and less stress and worries. Thank you for the comment <3

  4. This is great, Its all in there. But, we must also consider the disadvantage if we would not use it the proper way.

  5. Books are more preferred than internet.. internet can be edited than books are being reviewed.. :) ..

  6. yes, probably. That's why, we don't always have to rely on the internet, because some of these are unreliable.
