ICT certainly bring benefits to us but there are disadvantages in the use of ICT if ignored could give a negative impact on children. The use of ICT to children should be with the guidance and teachers should also be creative delivering their teaching without relying heavily on ICT.
Some of the disadvantages are the following.
Children will not be able to show off their talents and
share them on something that cannot be measured and will be abandoned. Sensory
stimulation they cannot expand because they do not know something real.
Teachers will also be lazy especially with the availability
of internet access and e-mail. Through e-mail they can change the outcome of
their work and the production of a matter would not be productive and creative.
Teaching methods will be stereotyped arrangement only children do not will earn
renewal in their learning. All children will learn the same thing in the same
way. This indirectly makes children lazy to learn and quickly become bored in
learning sessions.
Teachers will be devastated and teaching will not occur if
the teachers depend solely on the use of computers. If the computer was damaged
and had problems teachers cannot teach and lead children will meet their
activities with things that are not beneficial.
In language learning such as the use of their computers will
not be able to learn to pronounce correctly because they only listen to the
words from the audio that is played by the computer. Their articulation will be
less true and accurate. Diction that comes out of the computer also is limited
because the children will not learn much more than what has been set by their
teachers only and they are not able to apply it in their lives diction properly
because they cannot be clearly aware of the use of diction. Then the
communication skills they will be very weak. They will not be able to use
phrases suitable verse for their shortcomings in the selection diction.